Sunday, January 30, 2011


Unfortunately I had to miss a baby shower of a close friend of mine but fortunately that gave me time to make her some more Seuss pictures for the baby's room. She is doing a Seuss theme and I just love drawing up the Seuss characters. Luckily for me, March is just around the corner and I will be able to draw as many pictures as I want for Read Across America week.

My Growing Hobbies

I continue to adopt hobbies. Some work out and some end before they've been started. My newest project is a chicken coop. The coop is almost done but I just couldn't wait to get the chicks. They're in the garage and just the cutest things ever! I brought home four different kinds; a buff (yellow),  a rhode island red (red/brown), a sex link (mostly black), and another one that I'll have to wait until it's a bit older to tell what it is.

So far I've learned that chicks don't like to be held or separated.

The Goof Troop

I had a friend house sit and take care of my pets when I was out of town. When I returned she had named the circus of animals "The Goof Troop". And it stuck! But that's really what we have around here. A crazy amount of pets that keep growing

Members of the Goof Troop include:

My pups- Buddy and Penny
My cats- Oden and RIP
And my chickens- Elvira, Dinah, Auntie Em, and Sunnyside.

The chicks are the newest addition to my crazy goof troop but they fit the criteria.

The Goof Troop makes me laugh every day! You can expect more pictures of them, new and old!

Here we go again!

This is my second or third attempt at a blog. I can't remember anymore. I've always thought I had something to write about or share..... but I didn't. Until now, well and I've canceled my facebook account so I need a time waster and a place to share.

It will be interesting for me. I'm not writing to anyone. Just to cyber space. I keep reminding myself that it's like keeping a journal except it's not private. Sheesh. That's a scary thought.